Not long ago I was introduced by one publisher to the work of another. He was really excited about the work being done by City on a Hill Productions and wanted me to get to know them. After viewing their work I too was convinced they deserve more exposure in our churches. They have, to date, produced three series; each is narrated by Kyle Idleman.

Not a Fan is for the church audience. Kyle persuasively moves Christians to consider where they are with their walk with Christ. Are we simply fans of Jesus? Or, are we followers? His presentations are well produced, well stated, and convincing.
H2O is very different. These are crafted for viewing by non-Christians, BUT, the encouragement is for your church to use these to train your people to invite non-Christians into their homes for a series of discussions on the claims of Christ.

The audience for the Easter Experience is the church. It is a challenging series to watch, as Kyle takes us into Israel and we watch the last hours of Jesus acted out. It is one thing to read the Bible and form our own visual pictures, it is quite another to see it acted out for us, showing the levels of emotions on the face of each participant. I have shown the Easter Experience to my college and career class. Each grew up in the church and in Christian schools. All of them were moved and expressed a great appreciation for what they experienced watching these last hours of Jesus. Kyle keeps bringing you back to the question: What if what happened then changes everything now? A masterful question that forces us to think about where we are with our relationship with Jesus.

I highly recommend all three of these, and encourage you to use all three as they are intended. They are great for outreach as well as equipping your church for the work of ministry.

The main text for this series is published by Zondervan.