Normally, I am not too impressed with books like this. I have not found them particularly helpful. But here is an exception to my statement. This is a valuable book. It contains quotes and statements on a variety of subjects such as atonement, death, happiness, love for others, praise, etc. The book contains quality quotes from some of the best known Christian scholars and preachers of all time. A couple of examples will demonstrate my point.

“In commanding us to glorify him, God is inviting us to enjoy him.” C.S. Lewis

“Praise…decentralizes self.” Paul E. Billheimer

“Our use of reason itself is not only wounded and weakened but made willful and wrong by sin.” Os Guinness

“The name of Christ excludes all merit of our own.” John Calvin

“We know how God would act if he were in our place-he was in our place.” A.W. Tozer

These give you a flavor of the brevity and depth of the quotes. The collection will be helpful in teaching and preaching, for church bulletins and newsletters. If you are like me, you will
also find it helpful just to browse through the different themes, reading the quotes.

Blanchard is no stranger to most of us. He has written over 30 books, including his famous Is Anybody There? and Right With God. This compilation is just as excellent in quality and well worth keeping in your library