This Old Testament commentary by Philip Graham Ryken, pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church and a PCA teaching elder, is another one of Ryken’s writingsidentifying him as one of the outstanding preachers from the Reformed perspective. Exodus: Saved for God’s Glory represents his most voluminous work to date. He has earlier, in this same Preaching the Word series, written on Jeremiah and Lamentations.

Exodus is one of the key books in teaching us how the promises of the Covenant are kept. Again, as with the above commentary, Ryken studies, preaches, and teaches the Word from a biblically Reformed, historically redemptive perspective. Consequently, not only will you see the faithfulness of God throughout, remembering and keeping his promises to his people, but also how God’s plan of salvation is revealed and developed in this book.

As with other books in this series, but especially this book, there is clearly demonstrated exegesis and solid theology that undergirds Exodus, giving creative ideas on preaching and teaching Exodus for today’s audience. Why this commentary is so special to the author is stated in the preface. These expositions of Exodus were preached while Ryken was substituting for Dr. James Boice “during, and after his sudden illness and death.”

Ryken explains that one must study Exodus in its historical context of the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. Then we must see how it connects with the rest of the Old and New Testaments. Over and over, he underscores the importance of following the Reformation principle of allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture; that seen from this perspective, “the Bible is an extended interpretation of the exodus. Thus the way to understand Exodus is to study the book itself in the context of the entire Bible.” Ryken emphasizes that Exodus is not only a great story, it is also history and a history that focuses on redemption of Israel as well as the church today.

When read, studied, taught, and preached from this vantage, you cannot help but see the glory of God revealed. This is what the Psalmist saw and wrote about in Psalm 106, says Ryken.