Fine China Is For Single Women Too is a wonderful book with an encouraging message not only for the single women in our churches but for the church at large. Good theology applies to every circumstance of life and here we see how singles should view and process their marital status biblically.

We are challenged with this statement from the first chapter. “This is your life! You will never find contentment in living for what you hope tomorrow may hold. Contentment is for today.” The author then walks us through God’s sovereignty, having a right view of reality and a thankful heart, living day by day, appreciating the unique advantages of singleness and having a Christ-centered life.

One of the nicest features of this book is that it also includes a Bible study. At the end of each chapter there is a review section with good questions for personal reflection and group discussion. And to top that off, at the very end of the book there is another totally different Bible study for each chapter that is more in-depth. Older women in the church need to use this gem in mentoring their younger women in the Lord.

This book is little in size but rich in content and I’ve enjoyed reading it. It has helped to clarify and remind me of the big picture in God’s economy and its catchy title has given me an idea for Christmas. A piece of fine china and the book will make a perfect gift to my single niece for Christmas!