Biblical Foundations for Womanhood

A Women’s Ministry built on Biblical Foundations needs . . .
Women Who think Biblically and Live Covenantally

  • Soup kitchens and ladies’ luncheons. Kiddie carnivals and “charity fairs.” They serve good causes. But will they cause a woman to grow?
  • Will they equip her to fulfill the extraordinary promise and purpose of womanhood?
  • Will they see her safely through the modern minefield of conflicting ideas and contradictory roles?
  • Will they help her to take her place as a committed member of a covenant community?
  • Will they give her the joy that comes from living each day in harmony with God’s design?

In the Presbyterian Church in America, we believe that the true measure of Christian ministry is not how much we are doing, but who we are in Christ. That’s why your Christian Education and Publications Committee has created Biblical Foundations for Womanhood, a resource designed to be the touchstone for a vibrant women’s ministry in your church.

Here is a proven starting point for building a women’s ministry that’s driven by more than just events, projects, or personalities. Here is a foundation for a women’s ministry driven by the Word of God. Each of the five books is practical, proven, and biblically based. And a separate Leader’s Guide is available for each title to help make the study a meaningful experience for every woman in your church.

Leadership for Women in the Church.
Here is the foundation-the starting point for building the women’s ministry in your church. You’ll explore what having a women’s ministry can mean in women’s lives, discover how to construct the ministry on a solid theological footing, and learn how to train a leadership team. (Preview)

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Leaders: see Training and Resource Guide below

Spiritual Mothering
In the second chapter of Titus, Paul outlines a ministry model in which older women nurture younger women in character, in faith, and in doctrine. With this study, you can put the principles of “spiritual mothering” to work, helping your women create a close-knit community built on covenant relationships.


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By Design: God’s Distinctive Calling for Women. Once spiritual mothering relationships have been formed, they become a powerful launching pad for women’s ministry-particularly ministries of mercy. Here, your women will discover how their unique design has specially equipped them to be channels of compassion to the church, the community, and the world.

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Treasures of Encouragement. Women are also designed to be vessels of encouragement. This study will help you turn that gift into a vibrant, biblically based ministry. As one who has suffered much, Sharon offers stories, principles, and examples to help build up you and your church through the ministry of encouragement.”

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The Legacy of Biblical Womanhood. Whose responsibility is it to disciple women in the biblical image of womanhood? Hunt and Thompson believe this important job belongs to the church—and offer practical advice on starting a “spiritual mothering” ministry in your congregation. Discover the joy that comes from “passing the baton” of faithfulness to the next generation!

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Women’s Ministry in the Local Church. In a time of confusion and uncertainty, authors Susan Hunt and Ligon Duncan walk women through the Scriptures to help them better understand what it means to have an effective, biblical women’s ministry in the church and provide many proven tools to help start a women’s ministry in your church.

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Leaders: see Training and Resource Guide below


Women’s Ministry: Training and Resource Guide. This is an affordable, composite 3 ring notebook with updated tools that will equip women with life giving skills. The purpose is to help churches study a biblical approach to women’s ministry in the church & to provide resources to develop, implement, and train leaders to plan for a woman’s ministry.

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The True Woman. Where there is no sound theology, there can be no real ministry. The True Woman helps even the busiest women re-connect with basic truths and essential doctrines-keeping them firmly anchored in their commitment to biblical truth. Preview

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  • To teach women a biblical perspective of their relationship with Christ, family, and church.
  • To challenge women to fulfill their helper design.
  • To help women examine the implications of the covenant in their relationships.
  • To train women to cultivate community by obeying the Titus mandate to nurture one another for God’s glory.
  • To train women to be channels of compassion by obeying the Micah mandate.
  • To equip women for leadership roles in the women’s ministry of the church.
  • By working with these materials, you’ll be able to develop a women’s ministry that’s more rewarding than any project and goes deeper than any social event.

Foundations From the Heart of Scripture.

No, these studies are not the only way to build your women’s ministry. And they’re certainly not the only materials you’ll ever use. But they are a good place to start-and the only resource we’re aware of that’s directed specifically at women and has a covenantal perspective of ministry.

Since these are foundational truths for women, these materials can and should be used again and again-constantly cycled through your Sunday schools and small groups in order to keep your women’s ministry focused on biblical principles and foundational issues.

And while these studies are not meant to replace your Bible studies, keep in mind that they are Bible studies in their own right-topical studies that dig deep into the heart of Scripture.

Application Models

One Woman At A Time: A woman can be spiritually mothered by reading these books and then pass the legacy of biblical womanhood on to others.

Small Group Model: Women can use the studies in interactive groups as they learn and apply the concepts of biblical womanhood.

Women’s Ministry Model: In this model, Biblical Foundations for Womanhood (Foundations) is the framework for the women’s ministry in a local church. This is accomplished through things such as:

  • Regularly involving women in the studies in various forums such as monthly studies, weekly studies, retreats, etc.
  • Planning events that model and reinforce the objectives of Foundations.
  • Equipping women’s leadership so that Foundations informs all of their planning and decisions.
  • Using Foundations as a commentary and foundation for all women’s studies and ministries.
  • Creating a vehicle to establish and encourage Titus 2 relationships.
  • Promoting a vision that includes women of all seasons and circumstances.

Bible Study Model: Women’s Bible study teachers are equipped through Foundations to incorporate and apply the principles of biblical womanhood into whatever they are teaching.

Speaker Model: Women who speak at retreats and events can intentionally integrate the concepts of Foundations in their speaking/teaching.

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