ga-logo.jpg2010 General Assembly Women’s Program and Activities

You can download and print the entire Women’s Program for GA by clicking here.

Seminars Designed Especially for Women Attending GA

Parenting the Way God Parents,Tuesday, June 29, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Kids will be kids, and we parents will be . . . just like our own parents. Unless we adopt a completely fresh perspective on parenting, we will unwittingly default to raising our kids just as we were raised. Good, bad or ugly – it’s not what God had in mind for our children. God your Father provides everything you need for parenting your children in the grace, discipline and love with which He parents you. Child development and learning specialist Katherine Koonce comes alongside to offer you original insights into His ways of parenting His children throughout the ages and the application to us as parents today. Learn how to discern valid rights from selfish wants in this age of entitlement; how not to avoid anger, but instead actually plan for it; how to take an active, prayerful role in seeking God’s vision for your family; and how to focus not on shaping your children’s behavior, but on shaping their hearts.

Speaker: Katherine Koonce has worked for 23 years in school and community settings as a learning specialist, counseling families regarding educational and behavioral concerns. She currently serves as Academic Dean at Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville, Tennessee.

My Grandmother is. . . Praying for Me, Wednesday, June 30, 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Based on a new prayer devotional written by Kathy March, Pam Ferriss, and Susan Kelton, this seminar will discuss the “journeys” of the three authors: the Journey of Faith teaches how to weave our personal story of faith within God’s larger story of redemption and responding to God’s call in our lives; the Journey of Writing tells why and how this book came to be written along with stories of grandparents impacting their grandchildren for Christ; the Journey of Application will give an understanding of our responsibility to the next generation, embracing our opportunities to influence them, and how we can be intentional in our prayers and interaction with them, specifically our own grandchildren.

Speakers: Kathy March, Pam Ferriss, and Susan Wright Kelton began their journey of writing a devotional for grandmothers in 2008. The book encourages grandmothers to be involved in the lives of their grandchildren and to pray intentionally and persistently for them. The Lord placed a passion in each life to leave a legacy of faith through prayer to their grandchildren. The desire of the authors is that the Lord would use the ideas and encouragement in their book to draw the next generation of believers to Himself and that they would reflect His character and walk in His power and strength.

Women’s Ministry 2.0: The Hows & Whys of Incorporating Social Networking, Technology, and Culture into Your Ministry, Thursday, 8:00-9:15 a.m.

Relevant. Authentic. Current. Missional. These ministry terms are bandied about to describe culturally relevant ministry. Yet how does our women’s ministry balance a biblical world view with understanding and engaging our post-modern culture to reach Millennial women and involve them in ministry? This seminar will explore cultural tools like online social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), book/film clubs and more as well as how involvement in those things as Christians does help us to fulfill God’s cultural mandate.

Speaker: Melanie Cogdill is a Women’s Ministry Trainer and the managing editor for the Christian Research Journal. She and her husband Dwayne are members of Christ Covenant Presbyterian in Charlotte, North Carolina.

No More Wasted Sorrows: Helping Women Go Deeper with God in Grief, Thursday, July 1, 8:00-9:15

Women who are grieving a loss-the loss of a marriage, or the loss of a child or spouse-often find that their heretofore casual faith did not prepare them for the significant emotional, relational and spiritual challenges that accompany deep grief. They find themselves undone by sadness, questioning God’s goodness, alienated from friends they feel “don’t get it” and empty in their search for meaning. Nancy Guthrie, who has faced the loss of two of her children, will provide insight into the real needs of grieving women, and how to minister to them in a way that will help them to emerge from their sorrow convinced of God’s goodness and equipped to comfort others.

Speaker: Nancy Guthrie is an author and speaker. She and her husband, David, are the hosts of videos used for Griefshare, a small group ministry to those walking through grief and are attend Christ Presbyterian in Nashville, Tennessee.

Other seminars of special interest to women:

Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness in Action: Changing our Ministry Mindset from Crisis Care to the Daily-ness of Disability by Stephanie Hubach, Tuesday, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Attacks on Men in Ministry from a Wife’s Perspective by Carol Arnold, Tuesday, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

2020 Vision: Growing Your Church Through Children and Youth Ministry by Danny Mitchell and Sue Jakes, Tuesday, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Stepping Out – In Faith by Barbara Barker, Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Creating an Effective Orphan Care & Adoption in the Local Church by Greg Moore, Scott Roley, Arlin Troyer, Wendy Cosby, Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Great Expectations: The Role Relationship of the Pastor’s Wife and Church by Michael Milton, Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 a.m.

The Minister & His Wife: Functioning as a Team in Kingdom Building by Dr. & Mrs. Frank Barker, Wednesday, 9:15-10:15 a.m.

Loving and Teaching the Poetry of the Bible by Kathleen Nielson, Thursday, 8:00-9:15 a.m.

Women as Helpers & Protectors: The Role of Women as Counselors to the Next Generation by Andy Lewis and Debbe Mays, Thursday, 8:00-9:15 a.m.

Please see for the many other seminars being offered during the week.

Go to:
Seminars designed especially for women attending GA…

Wednesday’s and Thursday’s program speaker’s bios…

PCA Bookstore meet and greet schedule…

An introduction to Nancy Guthrie, Thursday’s speaker…