Vines, vineyards, and grapes are prominent motifs in the Bible. Apart from stones, they are perhaps the most common natural features of ancient and modem Israel. Christ and the prophets used them to illustrate spiritual truths.

Our Lord gave the best known illustration of the vine motifs in John 15: “I am the true vine, and My Earner is the vinedresser.” He goes on to say, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing” (verses 1, 5).

The various ways in which the vine motif is used in Scriptures suggest there are other lessons that could be drawn. One of these illustrates the theme of this issue – unity and diversity in the church – or, for that matter, in the home or school, at work or play.

Have you observed the development of a grapevine? There is the old gnarled trunk with a great root system that goes far and deep into the soil to get its nourish