With this issue of Equip for Ministry, we welcome you to 2003 and the ministry of Christian Education and Publications. EfM is intended to help us communicate with you and offer resources that would encourage and challenge you “to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

God has set before us an open door that leads to challenges, hopes, and dreams. We are indeed living in an extremely important moment in history; more than that, we are living by God’s pleasure and design at this particular time. We are here to serve His purpose to this generation. The Christian Education and Publications Committee is committed to doing just that and are aware of two important things. First, we need guidance and wisdom from the Sovereign Lord in order to carefully and strategically discern His will in our service. Second, we are aware that what we do is not for ourselves or as an end in itself, but for the Lord in helping train and equip His people of the PCA to embrace a biblically reformed world and life view. We pray this new perspective will lead to transformed lives that will make a difference in this world.

Each issue of our publication is deliberately prepared from that backdrop. We must be trained and equipped to live as fixed reference points in this changing and fast moving world. Jesus called us the “salt of the earth and the light of the world.” He wants us to make a difference, to use our gifts, and effect a kingdom-building strategy that brings some godly, holy sanity to this life. He wants us to model to the next generations that truth really exists and matters.

This issue’s lead article focuses, along with book reviews and the article “In Case You’re Asked” focuses on a particularly important and significant topic- “open theism.” Though we have mentioned it in Equip for Ministry through articles and books reviews, open theism continues to trouble the church and communicate a view of God that is at odds with His revelation of Himself in His Word. As Christians, we have a double responsibility to know the truth and discern those things that may not clearly reflect God’s truth. We have a responsibility to help the next generations understand that as well.

As the denomination’s resource to the PCA churches, CE&P, through its onsite training, conferences, consultations and distribution of a variety of materials, seeks to assist local churches in that vital process. Equip for Ministry is our bi-monthly publication, available upon request, along with CE&P website to keep those services before you. There are a variety of training events and conferences sponsored by CE&P coming up over the next few months. They are listed not only for your information and for possible participation, but also for your prayers and support that God might use these resources to accomplish His purposes. We select and train a people from the various regions of the PCA to assist churches with training and consulting.

As we have said to our readers before, we are careful and strategic in directing the content of EfM. While it is intended primarily for local church leadership, it is designed to communicate with every church member. As the coordinator of CE&P and editor of EfM, my prayer is that God will use this publication and especially this issue to minister to you. God bless you as you read.