[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]
February 10, 2014
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Thoughts based on a sermon by Brian Habig (6/23/13) on Joshua 6 – The Fall of Jericho
The battle plan that God gave to Joshua in Joshua 6:1-5 defies human convention: march once a day for six days with only the noise of rams’ horns – blown by priests rather than armed men. The key “weapons” were rams’ horns and the shouts of the people on the 7th day. There would be no massing of force; rather, each person would go up straight ahead after the walls fell. According to this “plan,” the walls fell, and Jericho was conquered. The key to victory was that the ark was present in the middle of the crowd, and the Lord had decided to glorify his name by giving Jericho (with its king and mighty men of valor [v. 2]) to his people. Victory was all about God and not about well-executed human convention.
As I listened to Pastor Brian Habig preach on this text (these thoughts are based on that sermon), I was challenged: Unless you are doing something that a “moral person” (i.e., one whose life is shaped only by human convention) would consider “crazy” or “weird,” you need to make sure you are living by faith and not by your own resources.
That challenge sticks with me. Are my actions defined more by prayer or by planning? Is my hope based on what God can do or what I can accomplish? In short, do others think I am “weird” so that God receives greater glory when amazing things happen?
The life of faith is weird because it defies human convention. Self-denial is not normal. Intentionally showing love, patience, kindness, and self-control can only come as the Spirit of Christ manifests his presence in my life. May that Spirit make me “weird” today – all for the glory of God.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]