A book that causes us to think about what it means to be in the world but not of the world. Knowing what culture is, how to relate to the culture, and how to think about it as it relates to the church and kingdom are crucial questions.Today, we find Christians attempting to divorce themselves fro...
Author: Charles
101 Portraits of Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures
This is an interesting book that will be a good text to encourage people to spend more time in the Old Testament; not only for the history but to see how Christ is revealed throughout it.
Overture 9
The 36th General Assembly, after many hours of committee and floor debate, answered Overture 9 in the negative, declining to establish a study committee. This action was taken in spite of a minority report that attempted to persuade the assembly to answer in the affirmative. As the coordinator of...
Polishing God’s Monuments
As you read this book, be prepared not to put it down . It is heart and mind gripping. What a book to read personally or give to a friend experiencing suffering or hard times.
The Essence of the Church: A Community Created by the Spirit
This book does what the author intended; to help us engage the complexity of the situation we now encounter in North America and to help us think about the very missional essence of the church in a way that will mobilize church people to see their own missional role in the world, both in the chur...
The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar: Redeeming the Soul, Redeeming the Mind
This is not only a book that critiques, it contains suggestions on how to go about fixing the problem. We must help students see that Christianity is more than simply going to church but that our Christian faith is the basis or foundation for all that we are and do.