No Man Fails On Purpose

“No Man Fails On Purpose” Excerpts from No Man Left Behind MANY IF NOT MOST, of our cultural problems-divorce, abortion, juvenile crime, fatherless ness-can be traced back to the failure of a man. Ironically, it’s a man who got up in the morning hoping to succeed. The signs are all around us. We ...
Posted in Men

Keeping the Church Front and Center, continued

From there Stott states with conviction that the church is no afterthought with God. “It is at the very center of the eternal purpose of God.” He reminds us that the church in the West is not presently growing. He also, like Packer, refers to the stuntedness of the church. Using Acts 2:42-47, he ...

What is Liberation Theology, continued

Black Liberation Theology – What It Is . Black Liberation Theology arose in the turbulent 1960s. During that period, violent anarchy destroyed property and fire-bombed buildings in cities like Los Angeles, Detroit, and Newark. James Cone was the principle originator and developer of this theology...