[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]These groups are a place for PCA ministry leaders and volunteers to connect and encourage one another as we seek to glorify God. To join a group click on “Join this Group” button and then click the “Join” button in the top right of the Facebook group page.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”5151″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][vc_button2 title=”Join this Group” style=”rounded” color=”juicy_pink” size=”lg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2Fconnect.pca.women%2F||”][vc_separator color=”white”][vc_separator color=”white”][vc_single_image image=”5150″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][vc_button2 title=”Join this Group” style=”rounded” color=”peacoc” size=”lg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2Fconnect.pca.children%2F||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
CDM News
A New Connection
Committee on Christian Education and Publications Receives New Name
Houston, Texas – June 18, 2014 – The 42nd General Assembly approved a name change for the Committee on Christian Education and Publications (CEP) which will now be known as the Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM). “For a number of years, we have considered making a change to our name to better convey the relational aspects of our ministry. In discussing the many options, we kept returning to our biblical charter – make disciples” said Coordinator, Stephen Estock.
Estock went on to emphasize the new name more closely connects our work to the Great Commission. Obeying Jesus’ command in today’s world involves education and resources like publications, but also much more. The content of the gospel must be conveyed in relationships that are empowered by the truth of the gospel. “Discipleship” encompasses all of what it means to walk with Christ, and “making disciples” includes personally inviting others to know Christ and coming alongside them in relationship.
The 42nd General Assembly directed the Stated Clerk to make the necessary editorial amendments to the Book of Church Order and Rules of Assembly Operation and the CDM staff will work [in the coming weeks] to inform PCA churches and members of the change. Questions may be directed to the CDM office at cdm@pcanet.org
CEP Names Next Women’s Ministry Coordinator
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Christian Education and Publications (CEP) has named Karen Hodge as the next women’s ministry coordinator for the PCA. Hodge assumes the position on Feb. 1, 2014. She is the fourth woman to fill this position, building on the foundation laid by Georgia Settle, Susan Hunt, and Jane Patete.
Hodge is a member of Naperville Presbyterian Church in Naperville, Ill., where her husband Chris serves as pastor. She has served the PCA for many years in a variety of roles. As a mother and the wife of a pastor, she has blessed the congregations of Briarwood PC (Birmingham, AL), Christ Covenant PC (Matthews, NC), Treasure Coast PC (Stuart, FL), and Naperville PC. In women’s ministry, she has been a trainer, conference speaker, and adviser for 17 years.
Her experience in a church-planting ministry equipped her to serve Mission to North America as an advisory member to the Permanent Committee, an assessor for church-planting candidates, and a supporter of the Parakaleo ministry to the wives of church planters. In addition to her ministry in the church, Karen is mother to two college-aged children, Anna Grace and Haddon, and mentor to a number of young women.
As she takes leadership, Hodge hopes to broaden the reach of the PCA ministry to women, developing an even greater diversity so that women from a range of cultures and generations will fulfill their God-given design.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
CEP Welcomes RUM to the Office
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Because the six PCA agencies/committees who call 1700 North Brown Road “home” desire to remain ‘under one roof’ and be wise stewards, CEP and RUM Ministries are finalizing plans to rent over 2000 square feet of office space from us beginning October 1, 2013. Pray for a smooth transition into this new community.
Welcome to Our New Website!
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In June, CEP began making changes to the website in order to provide a new look and convey our renewed purpose to connect and equip those who serve the church in discipleship ministry. The old site had a great amount of material, but much of it was dated and hard to find. We are working to reorganize the new site to better serve as a “hub” to connect PCA members and leaders with resources to help them serve in the local church. As they travel around the denomination, CEP staff members are asking local church leaders to describe what tools and resources would be most helpful to those who serve in their context. In an upcoming issue of Equip, we will highlight some of the specific changes that have been made and how CEP hopes those changes will help you in your ministry.
If you have trouble finding something you’re used to using try using the search bar. If that doesn’t work, feel free to contact the CEP staff to see if it’s still available.
2013 Women’s Love Gift: Ridge Haven
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Starting in 1974, women in the PCA have supported an annual love gift to promote denominational connectionalism and demonstrate our corporate helper-design as women in the church. The money is raised in various ways such as donations, fundraisers, etc. The Women’s Love Gift has blessed committees and agencies such as MNA’s Special Needs Ministries, MTW’s efforts to support the Gonaives, Haiti, Children’s Home, and other such ministries. Showing the annual Women’s Love Gift in your church does several things: Educates the people in the pew, promotes unity and greater understanding of the PCA, and provides good opportunities for monies to be appropriately channeled to specific ministry needs. Below you will find information on the ministry we are supporting this year.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” interval=”3″ images=”2133,2132,2131,2130,2129,2128″ onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self” img_size=”200×200″][vc_column_text]Testimonial
Alexia Newman’s memories…
“When I think of places and events that have impacted my life and stir sweet memories, Ridge Haven is at the top of the list. I remember the first year Ridge Haven was a reality. I was staying in the brand new Lodge that was nice and new! We didn’t understand the impact then, but I think many sensed that this was going to be a special place. We had no idea what the Lord had in store from this incredible gift to the PCA from Ken and Polly Keyes!
I have watched the Lord call people to himself on the rec. field, on a hike to the waterfall, sitting by the pool, in a bunk bed late at night, in the chapel service, or after a conversation in the dining hall. God’s Spirit is always working at Ridge Haven!
At the 2013 General Assembly in Greenville, SC, I saw many men and women whom I met at Ridge Haven: Some were campers, others were counselors who came to Ridge Haven thinking they were pursuing one career but were called to full time ministry while serving for the summer, still others use their gifts to impact the school system, the medical profession, and the corporate world. We see them as ruling elders and women active in the work of the denomination. No doubt the training and experiences at Ridge Haven were formative in establishing their gifts and callings.
The beauty and rich heritage of Ridge Haven make it a special place where the Lord has blessed his people – from the covenant child to the senior saint!”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
The 2013 Women’s Love Gift is going to support Ridge Haven!
Ridge Haven was established in 1978 by the PCA as a year-round ministry outreach to individuals, families, churches, PCA and other ministry organizations. Spiritual rejuvenation is as important as physical relaxation and Ridge Haven’s goal is to provide the means for you to have the opportunity for both.
A Growing Ministry
Over the last three years the Lord has given us extraordinary and even historic growth:
- Serving people from 29 States
- Conferences in conjunction with MTW, stretches the impact of our ministry worldwide
- 2012 Summer Camp nearly quadrupled to almost
- 1,700 campers
- Fall, Winter, and Spring Retreats at an all-time high
The Love Gift
With all of the growth and improvements that have taken place at Ridge Haven, one thing has remained largely unchanged is their dining hall. It is simply not equipped to handle the growth. The Dining Hall represents much more than just somewhere to eat. With all of the different activities going on at Ridge Haven throughout the day, the Dining Hall is a special place where everyone can all gather together to share a meal, swap stories, laugh together, build friendships, and bond as one body of believers. Please help Ridge Haven to continue to be a place where all of this can be a reality as their ministry continues to grow.
If you’d like a way to promote this year’s love gift at your church then click here to view a video from Ridge Haven explaining their need or click here to order the same video in DVD format. We also have bulletin inserts available, click here to order those. (There is no charge for the DVD or bulletin inserts.)
How to Give
If you would like to contribute towards this love gift contact the Women’s Ministry Coordinator at your church or click here to make a contribution online. (The link will bring you to the general CEP online giving tool-just select ‘PCA Women’s 2013 Love Gift’ when prompted to designate the contribution.)
If you have any questions about this love gift, click here to contact your regional adviser.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]