By Kent Johnson. My wife and I recently had the opportunity to attend the Mission to North America (MNA) Assessment Center. Over the ten years since graduating from seminary, I have attended dozens of seminars but had never been so keyed up before. Now that it is over, I have to admit that those four days rank among the most unique and memorable of my minis
Church Leadership
Church Planting as a Key Missions Strategy
By J. Philip Clark. The goal of the Presbyterian Church in Amer
Economic Trends and Their Impact on Missiology
Economics touches every single aspect of life – even missions. For exam
The Church: Witnessing Force or Mere Sending Agency?
By Les Thompson. Missionaries have been the backbone of God’s plan to tell others the Good Hews of God’s redemption since the days of Noah. We tend to think of missionaries as unusual – or, at best, special – at the very least, as different from ourselves. But in actuality missionaries down through the ages have simply been people who sensed a special call from God to leave their homelands and cross cultural boundaries, oceans and mountains to establish the Church of Jesus Christ in every corner of the world.
Non-Christians have lent missionary activity an air of comic opera: dowdy people under pith helmets dressed in wrinkled khakis, clumsily exporting our American ways of life rather than true religion. Hollywood jokingly portrays mis
Under His Wings
David C. Hilmers, mission specialist for the space shuttle Discovery mission STS-26 scheduled for launch September 1988, has been with NASA since 1980.
The October morning was warm and pleasant with an azure sky that made me feel that I could see forever. As I waited two hundred feet above the ground on the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center for my turn to ingress the flight deck of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, I was startled by the peace-fulness of the scene which I knew would soon turn into a blinding fireball.
“. . . and under His wings you will find refuge . . . .”
I looked across the gantry with some discomfit at the huge solid rockets and the enormous tank containing the cryogenic propellants. Although they looked safe enough now, I knew of the immense energy contained in each. The confi
Conservation or Pollution?
(Excerpts from remarks by Secretary of the Interior before the National Association of Evangeli