How do you obtain the pastor and session’s support?

A. Find out what the content is of the phrase men’s ministry in your session’s mind. Many PCA leaders associate the term “men’s ministry” with the Promise Keepers movement, which had its roots in the Vineyard movement.

B. Be sure your pastor and the rest of the session understand that by men’s ministry, you mean: the mobilization of some in the body to use their gifts to help the session disciple the men of the church.

C. Ask to meet with the pastor and/or session to get their ideas about men’s ministry.

D. After clarifying the term men’s ministry, ask the church leadership what their most important goals are for your church. Then explain to them how men’s ministry can help them achieve their goals.

E. Allow your pastor to have the role, at your men’s events, that he wishes to have. Some want to be the pastor. Others just want to be one of the men.

G. Be extremely loyal to your church leadership. As a men’s ministry and as a men’s ministry leadership team, be intentional in looking for ways to support and serve your pastor. Be known around the church as those who are loyal to their pastor. One men’s group had guys take turns cutting the pastor’s lawn each week. Another group gave the pastor the money to take his wife to a bed and breakfast.