As CEP opens a new chapter under the leadership of Coordinator Stephen Estock, an important goal is to see growth in the number of PCA churches who contribute to the ministry. In 2012, 32% of PCA congregations contributed in some way to sustain the work of CEP. Our hope is to see over 50% of PCA churches express in a tangible way the connectional nature of our Presbyterian polity. Some churches are able to give much (e.g., above the “ministry ask” of $7/member), while others are only able to give a portion of their share (e.g., $100, $500, etc.). Whenever a congregation provides a gift (of any amount), it is a physical expression of encouragement and support. If your church is part of the 32%, we thank you for your partnership with us. If you are part of the 68% that has yet to contribute, we prayerfully ask you to join with us as we seek to connect and equip those who serve the local church in the area of discipleship ministries. If you don’t know if your church support CEP- ask your session.