A man is hard to disciple. Men are busy, tired, over-committed, and struggling with sins they don’t want to talk about. Unlike women, singles, teenagers, and children, they will not show up at church just because they like to be together. Any event for men has to have high value to them. Otherwise, they will not come to it on any kind of regular basis.

No wonder so many pastors and leaders get discouraged with men’s ministry. The ministry is so difficult that mistakes can set men’s ministry in the local church back for years.

That is the reason that we need to gain the counsel of many other men who are doing men’s ministry, because “in the abundance of many counselors, there is victory,” (Proverbs 11:14). This wisdom that results from many counselors is the purpose of “Get In The Game.” This bi-monthly enewsletter provides insight about men’s ministry from the most effective men’s ministries in the country. It supplies updates on resources that are available and enables you to stay abreast of what is happening in men’s ministry in the PCA. It is a great tool to encourage and equip the men on your men’s ministry leadership team, so make sure you go to www.pcacep.org/men to sign up for your entire team.