By Sharon Kraemer. Bill and Joyce Hawk are not your ordinary church-planting couple. Twice in recent years they have drawn upon their experience as teachers and their love for little children to use “the pre-school model” for beginning new PCA congregations. Today they are co-administra
Starting Small
It was not what you would call a blockbuster opening night.
The sunny October evening looked promising. While a dozen adults gathered for the Wednesday Bible study in one room of the Covenant Pres
The Ghost Writer
By Edmund P. Clowney. Speech writers do not get the credit they deserve, says Time magazine. Reporting on the Democratic national convention in Atlanta, Time told of how Bill Woodward and Ted Sorenson grafted the Dukakis acceptance speech. An earlier version by Ira Jackson had put Kitty Dukakis to sleep. At the same convention John Kennedy intro
Believing in and Practicing Mutual Trust
By Donald MacNair. There is an issue within the Presbyterian Church in America which I believe is of major importance and needs to be voiced. It is of such a nature that it is often omitted for fear that, if adopted, it will open the way to erode the theologi
Church Planting as a Key Missions Strategy
By J. Philip Clark. The goal of the Presbyterian Church in Amer
Economic Trends and Their Impact on Missiology
Economics touches every single aspect of life – even missions. For exam