By J. Philip Clark. The goal of the Presbyterian Church in Amer
Women's Ministries
Economic Trends and Their Impact on Missiology
Economics touches every single aspect of life – even missions. For exam
The Church: Witnessing Force or Mere Sending Agency?
By Les Thompson. Missionaries have been the backbone of God’s plan to tell others the Good Hews of God’s redemption since the days of Noah. We tend to think of missionaries as unusual – or, at best, special – at the very least, as different from ourselves. But in actuality missionaries down through the ages have simply been people who sensed a special call from God to leave their homelands and cross cultural boundaries, oceans and mountains to establish the Church of Jesus Christ in every corner of the world.
Non-Christians have lent missionary activity an air of comic opera: dowdy people under pith helmets dressed in wrinkled khakis, clumsily exporting our American ways of life rather than true religion. Hollywood jokingly portrays mis
“Harvest”: Offering Freedom in Christ
By Sharon Kraemer. Approximately 250,000 homosexuals live in the greater Philadelphia area. Tenth Presbyterian Church, a well-known PCA congregation, is located in the geographical center of the gay community. Four years ago the church realized it had a mission field literally on its doorstep, and a Bible study was begun for anyone interested in finding healing from homosexuality.
From that small beginning, an evangelistic, coun
Ministers of Mercy: God’s Walking Wounded
By Fred Marsh. Rallying to the cause of the helpless has never been the activity of choice for the majority of the population. There are many reasons, but if you look closely at those who do serve in ministries of mercy, you will see some
…And Then Through the Gate
By Linda Warner. She hadn’t believed in love at first sight until she saw him perched there on his decrepit wooden throne. His alert life-guard eyes surveyed the peo