Warrior Presbytery covers West Central Alabama and consists of 24 churches, many of them with small congregations and most of which are not geographically close to any other sister PCA church. However, distance does not hinder the service and fellowship of the Warrior PresWIC women. (See the “WICK” section of this issue to get an idea of the many things they do). One anticipated annual event is a day planned to focus on and honor the pastors’ wives of the presbytery. The main planning is done by the PresWIC council, but the execution of the event (cooking, decorating, serving, etc.) takes many willing hands.

The original purpose of the event was to provide a venue for pastors’ wives to be able to gather, visit, fellowship, pray together, and to share the joys, sorrows, triumphs and trials of ministry. Even though the women still do those things, the purpose has been changed a bit over the years. The guest list has expanded to include the local WIC presidents so that pastors’ wives do not have to travel alone when the event is in a town other than their own. Presently the event is more of a “retreat” for the pastors’ wives (and local presidents) where the purpose is to encourage them, lift them up, and honor them as they are treated to a morning of being served. It is a “thank you” for the many personal sacrifices that are made for the sake of the kingdom.

We asked several honorees how they viewed the event. The responses speak for themselves:

  • “This is the first time (in many years) that I have been honored as a pastor’s wife. It is a welcome gift.”
  • “The luncheon has sometimes given me the opportunity to bear the burdens of a sister who has had personal or ministry difficulties through prayer, advice, and just loving on her through emails, letters and cards. (I’ve been able to) rejoice with those who have had major blessings in their lives. I look forward to this time with my sisters in ministry each and every year. It’s a great time of fellowship!”
  • “The luncheon has been a wonderful source of encouragement, fellowship, and fun. It’s wonderful to be remembered and treated so specially.”
  • “It does strengthen the pastors’ wives’ relationship with each other. We know that we are being prayed for, and for our husbands and ministry.”

The Warrior PresWIC is a very important part of its churches’ ministries. “Our elders are very supportive of the PresWIC’s ministry,” one pastor’s wife told us. The PresWIC provides quality programs and speakers and probably serves as the greatest connector for the churches in the area apart from Presbytery.