Looking for an area of service or outreach in which your church’s women’s ministries or PresWIC can be involved? This page focuses on activities that others have done that can be adapted and used by your women.

The women of Warrior PresWIC, which covers West Central Alabama, are active in supporting ministries:

  • At home and beyond:“Send the Light,” is an offering which is oriented towards international missions. The PresWIC team tries to choose mission work or missions projects that have their roots in Warrior presbytery. In 2009, a member of First PC in Demopolis was chosen for her ministry, “The Border Sewing Ministry.” Several times each year, this kingdom woman travels to Mexican churches along the border to teach women how to sew so that they can use these skills to help support their families. The women then take what they’ve learned and use it as an outreach to other women and families right where they live.
  • Within the United States: Collections for the “Showers of Blessings” offering go primarily to support mission work within the United States. Palmer Home for Children in Columbus, Mississippi, was selected for this project.
  • Denominationally:The Women in the Church Love Gift highlights the work of a PCA agency or committee. Mission to North America’s Special Needs Ministry is the 2010 recipient.
  • Churches of the presbytery: In October each year, Warrior PresWIC sends a Pastor Appreciation card to every single pastor in the presbytery. They also produce a directory just for pastoral families that includes all contact information of Warrior presbytery pastors and their families. ”
  • Women of the presbytery:“Keeping the women of Warrior Presbytery connected” is the purpose of the Warrior PresWIC blog. The blog is designed for the women to stay informed, be encouraged, and learn more about the PresWIC…”one of the many ways women can encourage, mentor, and edify one another in the 21st century!” You are invited to check it out: www.warriorpreswic.blogspot.com.

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Palmer Home for Children was the destination for the first-ever women’s mission trip from First PC, Jackson, Mississippi. During their week of service, teams worked on assigned tasks such as washing and painting rooms and buildings and working at the thrift store. Each evening the children enjoyed activities planned and directed by the women, and one evening the housemothers were treated to a Ladies Night Out of facials, pedicures, and snacks. The mission team spent one afternoon making and freezing casseroles for the house parents to use on busy nights. The Jackson team agreed: it was a wonderful week of service and FUN!

Stitches of Love is an international outreach that began in 2003 with three women from Providence PC, Quakertown, PA, whose ministry was to make blankets for a local pregnancy center. It has since flourished into a ministry of 1800 volunteers across the US who hand craft items for infants and children in need in the US and Afghanistan and also for our military families and military personnel in Afghanistan. The goal for 2009 was for 18,000 items to be made and gifted through volunteers who are taught to knit, crochet, weave, embroider, and loom knit. Stitches of Love intends to continue to seek the highest poverty areas in each county and community to give needed items. Each new chapter formed is encouraged to choose those communities closest to their location that are needed. Therefore, we foster a community connection and realization that poverty exists everywhere.” To learn more about this ministry, visit www.stitchesoflove.us.

The high school girls at Lansdale Presbyterian in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, are engaging in ministry to their former peers: their friends now in college. Recently, the girls packed care packages filled with homemade goodies, candy, silly string, cards/notes, etc., to send out. The group met at the home of a member and completed the night with Bible study.

Student Lunch is a ministry of Faith Presbyterian in Anchorage, Alaska, for high school students. The pastor and his wife invite high school students to have lunch with their family every other Sunday. After lunch, there is a time of edifying and rousing theological discussion over dessert while everyone one another’s company. Fellowship and discussion ends by 3 o’clock. Students are welcome to come even if they only have time for lunch.

After hearing at a PresWIC meeting about homes in their area where there are literally no books to read, the Pearl Presbyterian Women’s Ministry, in Pearl, Mississippi, decided to collect new and used children’s books and adult Christian books. New Life Christian Ministries, an inner city ministry in West Jackson, collects and distributes the books.

Kingdom Outreach for the Almighty (KOA) is a ministry of Covenant Presbyterian in Harrisonburg, Virginia. KOA ministers to the refugee and international community in Harrisonburg. Church members involved befriend families, deliver baskets of household goods and food, help with an ESL program, pray for the refugee community, and share the gospel. Many of the people being ministered to have experienced tragic circumstances, become refugees in an unfamiliar country, and are now facing the challenges of starting a new life, learning a new language, and adjusting to a vastly different culture. The families of the international community appreciate the help as they adjust, and church members enjoy the blessing of learning about the many cultures represented.