Installation of Officers

At an appropriate time all of the Women In the Church officers shall be installed by the pastor
or other qualified person. A suggested pattern for an installation service follows:

I. Questions to officers
(shall be answered “yes,” if in agreement)

A. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice?

B. Are you thoroughly acquainted with the function and responsibillites of the office to which you have been elected?

C. Do you promise to faithfully perform all the duties of this office, as unto the Lord?

D. Will you support the officers, the goals and activities of the Women In the Church with your presence, your prayers, and your physical and mental energies?

II. Questions to the Women

A. Do you gratefully acknowledge the willingness of these women to serve you and the ____________________ Presbyterian Church in their elected capacities?

B. Will you support these officers with your cooperation, encouraging words, and prayers?

III. Statement

“I declare that these women have been duly elected and installed as officers of the Women In the Church of ______________________ Presbyterian Church.”

IV. Exhortation

A few words of exhortation to the officers and the women using appropriate Scripture.