The Race is On!gcp-vbs-2010.jpg

Coach your kids and build them up in faith with this unique summer program. The Race Is On takes children from the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth to his death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. Students will hear the truth of Scripture every day and see the story of redemption in every lesson.

Click to view VBS resources offered by Great Commission Publications.

Racers will have a fun-filled week . . .

  • Starting Line – God’s unfolding plan of salvation for his people.
  • Fun Reinforcement- Games, stickers, puzzles and additional fun activities.
  • Warm up Music – Children worship God through songs daily.
  • Cross the Finish Line- To aid in outreach and church involvement.
  • Triumphant Missions Projects- Involve the children in proclaiming God’s covenant love.

About Great Commission Publications: GCP is a ministry of the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Committee for Christian Education & Publications of the Presbyterian Church in America. The non-profit corporation is jointly run by a representative Board of Trustees consisting of ministers and elders from both churches. GCP’s place among Christian educational publishers is that we operate from a Reformed perspective and seek to reflect the distinctive doctrines of grace. We stand fast on the Scriptures as the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Our theology is based on the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

reachout-vbs-2010.jpgVBS Reachout Adventures
Genesis 1: Space Probe

  • * in-depth Bible lessons
  • * whole-passage Scripture memory
  • * daily Gospel presentation
  • * successfully targets unchurched and churchgoing families
  • * promotes missional living

Click to view VBS resources offered by VBS Reachout Adventures.

About VBS Reachout Adventures: Our materials reflect our conviction that the Bible is God’s Word, completely true and trustworthy. Our curricula have been written by members of the Presbyterian Church in America committed to conforming their teaching to Biblically reformed theology. Placing a high priority on knowing and caring for our customer churches and their VBS directors, Reachout offers free, personal coaching by seasoned Reachout VBS directors who provide expert advice, individualized planning help, and prayer support. Client churches are also networked if desired with other area Reachout churches for in-the-trenches fellowship, encouragement, and sharing of resources.