The Body of Christ: The Next Generations

In Making Kingdom Disciples: A New Framework, we point out that Calvin's emphasis regarding making disciples begins at the earliest stages of a covenant person's life. The sooner we begin to self-consciously disciple our covenant children, the easier it will be for them to see themselves as c...

The Task of Christian Education

God has given us a promise in Isaiah and in Habakkuk that the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth as the water covers the sea. The hymn writer picks up that thought. He changes the venue a bit. He says, "Jesus shall reign where'er the sun does his successive journeys run." We believe th...

The Kingdom Misunderstood, Part 1

I begin by introducing you to Bill and Mary Wright. Bill is a 34 year old husband and father of two children, Terry 10 and Susan 7. Mary is a stay at home mom and has home schooled her children for a couple years, though they are presently attending a Christian school that meets in their church. ...

How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 9 – Learning Styles, Culture, and Denominations

In every culture, all four learning styles exist. However, not all cultures fit the same learning style(s). Let me explain. We live in a Western culture. The characteristics of Western thinking are that we like things to be done in a logical, sequential, and time-honoring way. When we teach ...