Same Lake, Different Boat reminds us that not all people are comfortable or at ease with the disabled, especially those with "cognitive disabilities," therefore do not know how to relate to someone with a disability. This book will help you and challenge you to think more biblically about this mi...
Author: Charles
What Jesus Demands from the World
Buy this book! Read it carefully and prayerfully! Teach it to your children as you pass its truth on to the next generation.
Does Curriculum Make a Difference?
I am responding to two related questions below that focus on curriculum, the main topic in this edition of Equip for Ministry. One is what difference does it make what curriculum we use in our church? A second question has come from pastors who basically ask, why should I get involved i...
Esther and Ruth, Reformed Expository Commentary
The objective of this commentary series is to provide pastors, teachers and other Christians a narrative commentary on the books of the Bible. The commentaries are and will continue to be doctrinally Reformed and concentrate on the unifying theme of redemptive history.
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
This is volume six of a projected eighteen-volume set of commentaries written by capable scholars, using the New Living Translation text throughout the series.
This Little Church Went to Market
An easy read but extremely challenging and thought provoking, especially as it addresses some of the forces and ideologies that are changing the church today. Things such as: marketing, entertainment, and therapy (psychology). The three forces mentioned above are influencing the church in definit...