The book has six parts containing fifteen chapters. Each chapter offers good instruction and ideas for application of the Christian life within the kingdom context. This bookhelps bridge the gap between what Jesus said and where Christians are in their understanding.
Author: Charles
The Future of Christianity
This is a must-read book for leaders and teachers.It helps the reader understand the tremendous change that has taken place in twentieth century relating to Christianityin the context of today's world.
Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment
Brain Godawa helps us practice discernment and gain wisdom about our world and life. He is well equipped to write this book. He is a Christian and a screenwriter who has been influenced by at least a couple of PCA pastors. He understands that each movie contains a story and that story was good en...
Who Made God? And Answers To Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith
Often Christians find themselves in difficult and embarrassing situations because they are asked hard questions and do not know how to respond. We are living in a time in which the church needs to be able to respond with intelligent answers to the questions being raised. This would be a helpful b...
A Question from the Children’s Ministry Conference
Question: Regarding the training of covenant children, how do you reconcile the covenant family concept (with the father as the primary teacher) with role of the church?
Listening to the Past, The Place of Tradition in Theology
Christians have a great legacy and we must have much respect for the past. This book reminds us of that importance of knowing, reading, and carefully studying the masters who have gone before us.Both pastors and teachers would benefit from this book.