Of the four learning styles, the dynamic learner (DL) is the most disliked by teachers. Why? Because teachers do not understand them, or know how to work with them. I hope, after you have read this, you will have a much better appreciation for these misunderstood learners, and know more about...
Author: Dennis
Having spent the last eight years in Cape Town, South Africa, as academic dean of the Bible Institute of South Africa and serving there as a PCA missionary, Dennis and his wife Cindy, his son Dustin, daughter Bena, and son Innocent have returned to the states to rejoin the staff at Christian Education and Publications where he served for eleven years prior to going to South Africa.
The Book Study Concordance of the Greek New Testament
This is not your general concordance; this one is for your study of individual books of the Bible.
Teach a Man to Teach and He Will Feed Thousands
How would you respond to this? Your teachers come to you all excited about a new curriculum they discovered. The three basic truths taught are 1) Wisdom - I need to make the wise choice; 2) Faith - I can trust God no matter what; and 3) Friendship - I should treat others the way I want to be trea...
How We Teach and How They Learn, Part 5 – The Analytic Learner
The analytic learner is most like the PCA denomination... we like information presented logically and sequentially. This is very western, unlike the other 2/3 of the world that is more interested in the story and the happening than the time. It is hard to teach many subjects in any way except ...
Christian Education and the Future of Resources
Over the 37 years of CEP's existence we have published hundreds of pieces of material and thousands of articles. We are committed to making the best and most helpful resources available to you. Find out more...
Ideas for Gifts from Dennis, Training and Resource Coordinator
A list of great gift ideas from CEP's Training and Resource Coordinator. Don't miss out on this great selection of quality books...