When this year’s PCA general assembly convenes June 15 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, it will make history. Never before has the denomination’s highest court returned to a city (or state) for the third time. No other city has been the site of more than one of the denomination’s fourteen assem
Representing the Family
Like apple pie and basketball, the family is an institution that few dare oppose. Attacks are subtle and oblique, usually. One of the public defenders of this basic unit of society is the “layper
Unity in Facing Diversity
Two former moderators of the general assembly who are senior pastors of large con
Inviting the Church Into Study of Lodge
Advocates of an anti-Masonic declaration by the PCA will have to wait until at least 1988 if an ad interim study committee’s recommendations are adopted this year. Those wanting an expression of compatibility with Free
Church and State…And Where We Stand
If a Presbyterian policeman is called to remove a Presbyterian protester from an abortion clinic’s door, who is right? Do both stand their ground, claiming support from the Scriptures and from their church? The law enforcement officer can cite Romans 13, claiming he is God’s ser
Giving – More Than Money
Dramatic and traumatic experi