By Richard Pratt. In ordinary conversa
Adjustment after the Death of a Spouse
Marriage tends to shape and form our whole identity. Before the death of my spouse, my whole life context was marriage. My spouse was involved in every aspect of my day. My decisions, plans and even idle notions – all were integrated into my married lifestyle.
Because anyone who is married becomes “com
Ministering to the Divorced
By Tom Jones. “I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Alien Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.” Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man.
So began Ralph Ellison’s remarkable novel about being black in America. So also might begin the personal story of countless men and women who have found themselves divorced in the church. They, like Ellison’s invisible man, have felt themselves to be unseen, unknown, untouched. In most cases the church is not guilty of deliberate or even conscious blindness toward the divorced, but the blindness has been real nonetheless. More than anything else this special blindness has come in the form of benign neglect. But benign or not, neglect feels painful to the neglected.
My own divorce is now sixteen years behind me; yet I can still feel the pain of the church’s neglect. Because the church did not reach out to me with meaningful ministry, my personal loneli
Ministering to the Never-Married Single Adult
By Walter Wood. “I never thought I’d be twenty-eight, unmar
Ministry to Single Adults: The Need
By Bob Burns. “Thesurvival of the traditional family is perhaps the highest priority on the evangelical social agenda.” So writes sociologist James Davison Hunter in his book Evangelicalism, The Coming Generation.
We agree. Evangelicals are vitally concerned about the condition of the Ameri
Developing a Christian Mind
We have featured several articles in this issue dealing with education. We have tried do so with the idea: “What is the end product of the educa