By David and Kate Kiersten Apple. One Sunday, while walking down a sunlit street and admiring the marble steps of a brownstone, a parishioner sees a green blanket nestled in the crook of the steps and the building. She would later say to her husband: “Before mov
First Aid for AIDS
By Debbie Dortzbach. Like a boulder thrown into the calm waters of an alpine lake, the effects of AIDS are rippling to every edge of the worldwide church. As its influ
Discipleship in the Church Today
By Carl W. Wilson. One day I suddenly became aware of a very important fact to which I had been blind. It was as though I had awakened from a sleep to an aware
The Necessary Motto for Life and Conduct: Give Thanks
By George W. Mitchell. Thereare many things that should be causing us all a great deal of concern and self-examination as we look across the Presbyterian Church in America. This should especially be the case as we look at the lives of ministers, their families and their relationships with other ministers in the PCA and the real lack of unity in approaching common goals and common enemies – self, the world and the devil.
It appears that more and more we hear about ministers falling into the sin of immorality. Fami
The Reign in Spain Lies Mainly in Miami
By Bill Iverson. Shenandoah! In Virginia that’s a valley and a river – dramatic and breathtaking because of the Blue Ridge Mountains. In Miami it is a church – a rivulet in a vast plain of humanity waiting for the rains of heaven. It may again become a river and this time overflow into the Caribbean basin and all of Latin America even as before, sending confluences throughout America.
Calle Ocho – that’s Eighth Street in Miami’s Shenandoah Section where my dad, Dan Iverson, started Shenandoah Presbyterian Church in a dance hall. From 1926 to 1951, 4004 persons came to Christ, joining the church by profession of faith. Shenandoah started seven other churches – such as Granada, Key Biscayne and Kendall and sent 150 of its sons and daughters into the ministry of the Gospel. The vast influence of the church in its grandchildren is now beyond measure. Evange
The Love of God and Evangelism
By D. Clair Davis. Why is it so hard to share the Gospel? What gets in the way? Is it because you don’t know how? That’s not a big obstacle anymore. If you need training, it’s there. Evangelism Explosion helps you to encourage people to talk first about what they think is the Gospel. Otherwise, you catch yourself doing all the talking and then wondering what they mean when people nod their heads. It helps to know things like that.
Or do you wonder if the Lord is calling you to this? Are the elders the only soldiers we have, or do they show the rest of us the way? If you have questions about every member ministry in general, then you really do when it comes specifically to evangelism. When the Bible says the Gospel is to be preached to the whole world, it’s easy to react by saying, “Thank God for preachers” and then write another check. Maybe you need to work that through. But knowing the how and who isn’t a lot of help unless you see why. You can’t think straight about evangelism until you’ve grasped what the Gospel is about. This is the issue. t always has been. There is such a thing as resenting it when other people are saved – or at least not being full of joy praying about their salvation. Work through the New Testament again. The Gospels tell you what the Lord says to Phar