By James Sauer. In the latter half of the 19th Century, the American Unitarian cleric and author, Horatio Alger, penned over 120 books for boys. The various series-Ragged Dick, Luck and Pluck, and Tattered Tom-were optimistic sagas of young bootblacks and newspaper boys whose virtues and gumption allowed them to rise from their humble ori
Women's Ministries
Trusting God: Just Whose Money Is This Anyway?
The author (unknown) of this article wishes to preserve the anonymity of those featured.
Money was tight in 1970. Should Mom get a job? Should we consider not tithing for a while? Dad called a family conference.
After reading Malachi 3, we decided not to give as much as before-we should give more. We had been robbing God by not giving tithes and offerings to Him.
Prayerfully, we determined to: continue giving 10 percent of our gross income as the tithe; begin giv
The Skeleton in My Closets
One of our great contempo
The Covenant Family
By Sharon Betters. President George Bush made prayer acceptable to our nation when he repeatedly asked Americans to pray for peace and our troops in Saudi Arabia. Capt. and Mrs. Brian L. Dosa, members of Newark Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Newark, DE, were already depending on their “covenant family” to cover them with prayer. On October 3, 1990, daughter Rachel’s first birthday, Capt. Dosa left Ft. Hood, TX, to join other allied troops in the Persian Gulf. Dosa commands a combat engineer company with the First Cavalry Division. His company is to remove any obstacles in the way of the troops-from mine sweeping to build
Noisy Quiet Times
By Rebecca Jones. As a child, I always loved the Lord. One vivid childhood memory stands out. With the rest of my tearful family, I am at the bottom of the stairs of our home in Pennsylvania. A hurricane rages outside. Floods are pouring into our basement. Yet we are only aware that the doctor is upstairs examining my little seven month old sister-will she live or die?
Each of us prayed fervently that evening. I begged my Father in heaven to spare my baby sister. The following morning a surgeon performed exploratory surgery and discovered intussusception-in time! My sister Anne is now the mother of five!
From the moment her life was saved, I knew God was there and that He loved my family. By the time I was eleven I had established very regular habits of “devotions.” I don’t think I missed a day until I was married at twenty.
Earlier habits were disturbed. I was no longer alone in the evening and I had to get up and out early to my teach
Reflection on Miscarriage
By Dr. Dan Doriani. Our two daughters were playing in the next room when my wife told me the preg