By James M. Hatch, Jr. I grew up in a family that was disorganized, and even worse than that, it came apart. I didn’t read any books but found by experience what it does to children. I saw what it did to my brothers and sisters, and it is only by the grace of God that I remain here today. My brother, a Presbyterian minister who led me to the Lord, couldn’t cut it. It overtook him. Now my burden is not with the marriage but with the children of problem mar
Women's Ministries
How to Deal with Those Who Differ
By Roger R. Nicle.
Part 3: How Can I Cope with Those Who Differ from Me?
In the two previous articles, we sought to explore how to derive the maximum benefit from controversy both as to those who differ by being sure that we do not fail in our duty toward them, and as to ourselves in welcoming an opportunity to learn as well as an occasion to vindicate our posi
How to Deal with Those Who Differ – Part 2
By Roger R. Nicole. In last month’s article, we discussed the answer to the question, “What do I owe the person who differs from me?” It is very important throughout that one should remain keenly aware of such obli
Christmas Through a Lifetime
By Edith Schaeffer. Smells- the smell of a turkey roasting, of cranberry sauce bubbling on the stove, of plum pudding coming out of the steaming kettle, of pumpkin pies baking, of homemade hot rolls piled in a basket, of a delicious pine odor permeating the whole house as the tree and branches for decorat
How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us – Part 1
By Roger R. Nicole. We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith. (Jude 3) That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, standing forth for the truth of God – without welching at any particular moment. Thus, we are bound to meet, at various points and at various levels, people with whom we disagree. We disagree in some areas of Christian doctrine. We disagree as to some of the details of church administration. We disagree as to the way in which certain tasks of the church should be pursued. And, in fact, if we are careful to observe the principles that I would like to expound for you, I would suggest that they may be valuable also in disagreements that are not in the religious field. They also would apply to disagreements in politics or difficulties with people in your job or friction within the family or contentions between husband and wife or between parents and children. Who does not encounter from time to time people who are not in complete agreement; therefore, it is good to seek to discover certain basic principles whereby we may relate to those who differ from us.
It seems strange that one should desire to speak at all about Polemic Theology since we are now in an age when folks are more interested in ecumenism and irenics than in polemics. Further
Missions Have Come Home to America
By Terry Gyger. The United States is the fourth largest Span