We have featured several articles in this issue dealing with education. We have tried do so with the idea: “What is the end product of the educa
Youth Ministries
Can We Wait Any Longer?
ByFrank Brock. On a recent trip a pastor made the following statement: “I believe in Covenant College, but what do you say to a church member who knows students who have gone to secular universities, have become actively involved in a parachurch ministry and come back more excited about Christ than their counterparts at some Christian colleges?” Since I believe that this pastor spoke for many others, I would like to respond to that question.
The faculty and administration of Covenant College must never forget that their number one responsibility is to encourage students in their personal relationship with Christ. Just because Covenant is a Christian college whose students have made a profession of faith, we cannot assume that all of the stu
Mission Accomplished? When? How?
By Sidney Anderson. You just don’t wake up one morning in a village of the Tiv Tribe of Nigeria by accident! It was the fulfillment of years of planning and waiting for the Lord’s leading.
I had wanted to be a missionary almost immediately upon understanding some
The PCA’s Campus Outreach
By Mark Lowrey, Jr. Changed lives – that’s the trademark of Reformed University Ministries, the PCA’s campus outreach devoted to evangelizing and discipling college students. Its business is to reform lives with the living, cutting edge of Scripture. As a result, scores of students are becoming Chris
Eyeglasses and a College Education: The Significance of a Christian World View
By Dr. Donovan Graham. If you do not suffer from visual myopia, have you ever watched a nearsighted person try to get around without his eyeglasses? Not being able to see clearly, he becomes very uncertain in terms of action. I am so nearsighted that my wife kids me about not being able to find the bathroom in the middle of the night without putting on my glasses. No one in his right mind would dare ride as a passenger in a car with me unless I were wearing my glasses, and I would probably not trust myself to eat without them for fear of what I might put in my mouth. A nearsighted person cannot act or move very well without the benefit of his eye
The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
By Linleigh Roberts. When the “God-is-dead” theology emerged a couple of decades ago, the question was asked, “If those men really believed that, why don’t they forget about theology altogether and do something else?” Certainly, an alternative occupation would seem to be the logical course of action. The issue, how