By Frank Barker. The year was 5 BC. Herod the Great was king of the Roman territory of Judea. A very disturbing thing took place!
Now when Jesus was born in Beth
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By Frank Barker. The year was 5 BC. Herod the Great was king of the Roman territory of Judea. A very disturbing thing took place!
Now when Jesus was born in Beth
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By Mary Lou Bonsack. Oneof the biggest people movements of this century is taking place on the border between Mexico and the United States. This 2,000 mile border separates one of the wealthiest countries in the world and one of the poorest. Dramatic changes are taking place on this border. “Maquiladora,” a Mexican term for “production-sharing” factories, is now a common term heard along this stretch of land between Brownsville and San Diego. American and foreign companies are building factories known as maquila plants. This program began in 1965 as a way to combat Mex
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By Roger R. Nicole. In last month’s article, we discussed the answer to the question, “What do I owe the person who differs from me?” It is very important throughout that one should remain keenly aware of such obli
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By Roger R. Nicole. We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith. (Jude 3) That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, standing forth for the truth of God – without welching at any particular moment. Thus, we are bound to meet, at various points and at various levels, people with whom we disagree. We disagree in some areas of Christian doctrine. We disagree as to some of the details of church administration. We disagree as to the way in which certain tasks of the church should be pursued. And, in fact, if we are careful to observe the principles that I would like to expound for you, I would suggest that they may be valuable also in disagreements that are not in the religious field. They also would apply to disagreements in politics or difficulties with people in your job or friction within the family or contentions between husband and wife or between parents and children. Who does not encounter from time to time people who are not in complete agreement; therefore, it is good to seek to discover certain basic principles whereby we may relate to those who differ from us.
It seems strange that one should desire to speak at all about Polemic Theology since we are now in an age when folks are more interested in ecumenism and irenics than in polemics. Further
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By Terry Gyger. The United States is the fourth largest Span
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One dictionary’s definition of “idol” is “an object of passionate devo