By Thomas A. Whiteman. For those of us who are parents, our greatest responsibility in life is to raise our children! Whether one is the president of IBM or a home-maker, before God our most important job is that of being a parent. And the most important priority we can convey to our children is to first, love God; and second, to love others as they love themselves. (Matthew 22:35-40)

An important ingredient in that formula is a proper view of self – to have a good self-image. When people don’t like themselves, they will have a distorted image of God and will have great difficulty loving other people. So, one of our most important responsibilities to our children is to help them develop a proper self-image.

Of all of the problems that I face in counseling and in day-to-day contact with people, the most prevalent and pervasive is that of insecurity and poor self-image.

To some degree, we all struggle from time to time with an improper view of who we are in Christ and the security we have in God’s uncondi