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What is the 2020 VISION? Here at Christian Education and Publications we want to help the local church with training and resources that will enable you to spend this decade focused on training up a generation of Kingdom disciples. In both youth and children’s ministries we want our churches to ask the question, “What do we want our 4 year-olds to be like when they are fourteen? In ten years, what place do we want our 15 year-olds to have as young men and women in the church?”

As we answer those questions together, we must become very intentional about the kind of ministry we will have in the next decade to realize our vision for the year 2020 – His church filled with strong Jesus men and Jesus women!

2020 VISION will include conferences, new resources, online communications and local training to help us pray together, train parents and church leadership, and connect as a church in the task of making disciples of our children.

We hope that your church leadership and parents will participate in at least one of the upcoming conferences.

One-day Conference

October 23,

Calvary/Willow Grove

Philadelphia, PA

Three-day Conference

January 12-14, 2011

Covenant Seminary

St. Louis, MO

Two-day Conference

March 11-12, 2011

Orangewood Church

Orlando, FL

Registration will begin online on June 1 and special speakers and workshop leaders will be announced by that date. All three of these conferences will concentrate on prayer, parental training and special interest (preschool, elementary, middle school, high school) focus groups.

You are invited…

…to a 2020 VISION MEETING OF THE MINDS – a one day brainstorming opportunity for those working with youth and children in the church. We would love to see youth pastors and children’s directors from the same church come together. The first of several MEETING OF THE MINDS will be held on TUESDAY, MAY 4TH, 9am-5pm at the PCA office building conference room at 1700 North Brown Road, Lawrenceville, GA. The first fifteen people to respond to this e-letter by contacting Sue Jakes at sjakes@pcanet.org will be registered for this MEETING. Christian Education and Publications will treat you to lunch and will welcome your ideas on further planning and development of our 2020VISION. If you are unable to make this MEETING, there will be others. The next is planned for mid-July.


Plan to attend a conference.

Give us your input (fill out the poll on the right side bar).


Pray for the children.

Pray for the church.

Find out what 2020 Vision is all about… click here to download Sue Jakes’ PowerPoint presentation.