I have had people ask why it is so important to think from a kingdom world and life view perspective. Why is it important to have a right kingdom paradigm?
Author: Charles
This Little Church Had None
This Little Church Had None is a call for the church to return to God's agenda and assignment in preaching and teaching the truth in a life transforming way. What makes that so difficult today is we are living at a time when the concept of truth is not very clear because the emphasis is not on Go...
Seeking a Revival Culture
In this book you will hear the plea for repentance for sin manifesting itself in changing the way you think which in turn determines the way you live or behave. Yes, our lifestyle does make a difference and seeing Christ as Lord in all of life, living with a kingdom world and life view perspectiv...
What Is the Mission of the Church? Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission
This book is really a book about Christian living as well as one that helps define and clarify the church's mission. The primary mission of the church is through proclamation and teaching of the Word to make disciples. The church's role is not changing culture but to preach and teach the Word of ...
Reformed Dogmatics
It will be a magnificent book to own, read, study, and use in one's personal spiritual growth, as well as in preaching and teaching the Word. I feel much freer to recommend this one volume in hopes that it will encourage our pastors and teachers to read, use, and refer to Bavinck regularly. The f...
Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, & Meaning
After showing the impact and results of secularism and its dualistic approach to life in the area of art, movies, and culture in general, Pearceyreminds us of the challenge for Christians, people of the truth, who see Christianity as a total truth system, a way of life, a world view from a kingdo...