Commissioners to the PCA’s 1986 general assembly will have to decide what kind of guidance they want to give on the question of nuclear weapons. Six of seven mem
Koreans Keep Coming
Waves of Irish immigrants to North America clung tenaciously to Irish priests and Irish parishes of the Roman Catholic Church. Greek Orthodox churches for decades have been the Hellenic community centers, giving aid and comfort to those newly arrived from the old country. Generations of Poles in America have defended their Polish Catholic par
Two Views on Joining the NAE
Joining the National Association of Evangelicals has been proposed to the general assembly by its Committee on Interchurch Relations. Currently, the PCA’s only interdenominational affiliation is with the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC), a fellowship of churches with Calvinistic convictions. NAE membership is being debated throughout the denomination. Some of the issues on either side are discussed in the following presentations. William A. Shell is in favor of joining. He is a teaching elder in Great Lakes Presbytery and the stated clerk of that court. He is associate professor of biblical studies at Reformed Bible College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Opposing the affiliation is William A. Rocap Jr., a ruling elder in the Lakeshore Church, Denver, North Carolina, and a former moderator of Central Carolina Presbytery. Though retired as an executive with the Meredith Corporation, he continues active as a consultant to the publishing industry.
YEA: Strengthen Us, Them
The biblical ideal is that Christians and churches multiply in this world. The early church came as close to that ideal as any in the subsequent 19 cen
Canadian ‘People Person
By TE J. Cameron Fraser. Visitors to this year’s world’s fair, Expo 86 in Vancouver, will find a beau
Discipling And Drama
Pageants and plays are often on the church schedule at Easter and Christ
PCA’s Globe-Trotters With Worn Passports
When a PCA missionary went to a Communist nation early this year, it was not his first visit. Nor is it expected to be his last. He went without fanfare to help an existing evangelical denomination. That body invited him to speak at its annual meeting and to counsel with its ministers and their wives.
While the missionary prefers to maintain a low profile in order to keep the doors open, he keeps Mission to the World informed about his activities. Two-week visits of the sort he made a few weeks ago don’t neces