By Bob Sweet. Whatever happened to this good word? Why has “nurture” all but disappeared from our vocabu
Your Child’s Self Image
By Thomas A. Whiteman. For those of us who are parents, our greatest responsibility in life is to raise our children! Whether one is the president of IBM or a home-maker, before God our most important job is that of being a parent. And the most important priority we can convey to our children is to first, love God; and second, to love others as they love themselves. (Matthew 22:35-40)
An important ingredient in that formula is a proper view of self – to have a good self-image. When people don’t like themselves, they will have a distorted image of God and will have great difficulty loving other people. So, one of our most important responsibilities to our children is to help them develop a proper self-image.
Of all of the problems that I face in counseling and in day-to-day contact with people, the most prevalent and pervasive is that of insecurity and poor self-image.
To some degree, we all struggle from time to time with an improper view of who we are in Christ and the security we have in God’s uncondi
What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?
When I was fifteen years old, I had a life changing experience. However, I’m not sure exactly what happened. Billy Graham came to town. It was one of those early crusades. He and his team were in St. Louis for about three weeks. Good thing for me. It was a week or more before I was willing to attend with my family. That was the first time I ever remember hearing the Gospel.
I grew up in the church. I didn’t like it, but I went, at least to Sunday school. But I was a trouble-maker. One teacher thought I was retarded. I may be the only kid in history to flunk Sunday school. My friend and I needed to be separated. We fought too much.
I joined the church. There were weeks of classes children had to attend. I learned the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments. We learned the Lord’s Prayer. The pastor made a big thing out of that because he wanted us to say “which” instead of “who.” Amazing…the little things we remember. But I have no recollection of ever hearing the Gospel.
There could be at least two reasons for that:
1. It wasn’t presented. Maybe some in the church didn’t believe it or, at least, didn’t clearly understand it. It’s also possible that those teachers and leaders (including the pastor) assumed we knew the Gospel. Don’t skip over this! You may be in a church committed to the Bible and have any number of people (children and adults) who don’t really understand what it means to believe in Jesus.
2. The Holy Spirit didn’t tune me in. Because I say I didn’t hear the Gospel does not necessarily mean it wasn’t presented. It may have been pre
Five Steps to Discipling Others
By Russ Korth. Discipleship always includes discipline. Both terms stem from the same root word. But people can be disciplined without being disciples. For example, they may faithfully complete Bible studies without allowing the Word to change their lives. But you, as a spiritual leader, must help people become disciples through their disciplines. Here are five steps to help you dis
“Good is bad . . . and bad is good!”
By Bob Sweet. Sounds like doublespeak? Perhaps, but bear with me a moment, please. We all have our perceptions of what is good; God, motherhood, the flag, apple pie, pay day, plenty of money, health, easy times, for example. Likewise, we have our perceptions of what is bad; the Devil, abortion, rutabagas, bills, lack of money, sickness, hard times, and so on.
Now some of the “good” things listed above truly are good. No question about it! And some of “the bad” really are bad. But can it be that some of the things we consider “good” may not be good – at least for us? And some of the “bad,” could they be good for us? By now, you are getting my drift. Our percep
I Am Proud of My Church
By Donald E. Hoke. Are you proud of your church? Do you enjoy it, promote it, praise it, defend it? You should! For it is the one institution that Jesus Christ Himself established – it is the only eternal organization in the world. You will spend eternity with its mem