Nearly everybody goes to church in Upper East Tennessee. One widely cir
Tried and Tested Timer
Precious metals are refined with fire. So are people. The Bible makes numerous references to such testing and purifying.
Walter Lastovica knows all about refining, personally and professionally. The man who serves regularly as the timing clerk at PCA assemblies (and who expects to be doing that again in Philadelphia this month) is a man
Philadelphia: Presbyterian Seedbed
Because of the prominence of William Penn in the history of Phila
Retirement: Time to Work
Don’t ask Chuck LeSuer to give you any big speech on how Christians should use their time. He hasn’t got time for that. He’s longer on practicing than on preaching. Just observe his actions to see what he believes. Taking an occasional glance at his watch may seem natural for a man who worked for a railroad for 43 years helping to keep things on schedule. His ste
Koreans Keep Coming
Waves of Irish immigrants to North America clung tenaciously to Irish priests and Irish parishes of the Roman Catholic Church. Greek Orthodox churches for decades have been the Hellenic community centers, giving aid and comfort to those newly arrived from the old country. Generations of Poles in America have defended their Polish Catholic par
Discipling And Drama
Pageants and plays are often on the church schedule at Easter and Christ