Nearly everybody goes to church in Upper East Tennessee. One widely cir
Category: Women
Tried and Tested Timer
Precious metals are refined with fire. So are people. The Bible makes numerous references to such testing and purifying.
Philadelphia: Presbyterian Seedbed
The first settled Presbyterian minis
Retirement: Time to Work
Taking an occasional glance at his watch may seem natural for a man who worked for a railroad for 43 years helping to keep things on schedule. His ste
Koreans Keep Coming
In the view of one school of missiologists, this isn't all bad. They have a name for it: the homogeneous unit principle (HUP). One of the more remarkable applications of the principle among Protestants is taking place today in the Presbyterian Church in America. Thousands of immigrant Koreans hav...
Discipling And Drama
Pageants and plays are often on the church schedule at Easter and Christ