As Good As It Gets

Clark presents his commentary in the form of daily devotions, breaking the song into fifty days of guiding us through human emotions we face in life and relationships. The author speaks of the beauty and passion found in the pages while seeking to discover the meaning it has for all of life.

Salvation Belongs To The Lord

While Salvation Belongs to The Lord is unique as it challenges those engaged in full-time teaching and preaching, it is very readable for others in the church. It is an introduction to systematic theology. Before you disregard it as just another theology book, remember from Frame's other books, h...

The Doctrine of the Christian Life

If there is one book that you should possess, read, study, use as background resource for preaching and teaching on the Christian life, this is the book. As the title suggests, this book deals with Christian ethics.There is the normative perspective, followed by the cultural or situational perspe...