Do I Know You?

Relationships in the neighborhood, at the office, or at school are important. But if they don't extend beyond the confines of that environment they have limited value. And the same is true of relationships at church. Hopefully, the believer will have friendships with some that extend beyond the c...

The Cost of Love

Are we willing to pay the price? That is a question that must be answered within the context of specific relationships. Can I love the son who has broken my heart? Can I love the student who I can't seem to reach? Can I love the church member who seems to have so little to give to me? Or the neig...

Not a Village, but a Church with a School

By Robert Rogland. The Bible charges parents to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. But other Christians also have a measure of responsibility: When the Lord commanded his church to teach all nations, surely that included covenant children as well.

Theodicy: Understanding the Goodness of God in the Midst of Evil

If God is good and all-powerful, why is there evil in his world? Is he really God? All-powerful? Good? Does he really rule his world? Where does he fit into the picture with all the bad things going on? And bottom line, we ask, How is it possible to reconcile the realities of life-sin, evil, and ...

Love Your (Muslim) Neighbor as Yourself

As far as Americans living stateside are concerned, most Muslims are extremely approachable. They enjoy friendships and the giving and receiving of hospitality is a positive thing for them. Sadly, most expatriate Muslims who have been in the United States for five or ten years have never been ins...

A Strategy for Evangelizing the Post Modern

By William J. Larkin. Indeed, how can we communicate a gospel that is truly "good news" to the postmodern person (or any cultural being for that matter)? We must "exegete" the culture from the inside out. We must interpret the Scriptures at a metacultural level. Then, we must bring the two togeth...