The following is an abridged interview with Dr. Charles Dunahoo given by pastor R. J. Umandap over station TBC 88.5 FM in Kingston, Jamaica. Dr. Dunahoo gave the interview during a recent visit to teach his new book, Making Kingdom Disciples: A New Framework.
Tag: Teachers/Disciplers
Be a Kingdom Disciple
Be a Kingdom disciple? Isn't it hard enough just being an "ordinary" disciple of Jesus? We can take up our Lord's challenge to be disciples and to make disciples. We can even work at becoming Kingdom disciples because He has the power and He is with us.
Something Different
Don't do something different just to be different. But don't be afraid to try something if you believe it will better utilize your resources to achieve your purpose.
Why Bother Catechizing Our Children
By Brad Winstead. We have our covenant children for such a short time. Why not lay a permanent foundation of truth that will never leave them? We are wiring the house of the child's mind and are waiting for the Holy Spirit to flick the switch translating the head knowledge to heart knowledge.
The Importance of Worldview: Applying the Christian Faith to All Areas of Life
The Apostle Paul writes that we are to be transformed in our minds (Rom. 12:1, 2). Why? In order to know God's good, perfect, and acceptable will. A kingdom disciple is to be characterized as someone who knows how to apply the Christian faith to all areas of life. If the Christian life is about G...
The Kingdom and Generations
There has been a steep decline in church attendance beginning with the baby boomers (those born between1946-1964) and continuing to the present generation. The most recent statistics indicate that we are not far from the place where the majority in the United States will identify themselves as so...