A synergism becomes possible when the church as the extended family builds up its households. And those households in turn build up the churches, which then impacts the community, enfolding others in the family of God. What's happening to your young people? Are your households maturing in the faith?
Tag: Teachers/Disciplers
Story, Doctrine, Life
By Tom Patete: Sunday school stands as a central means by which churches nurture the flock, but what is the future of this venerable staple of the American church? Sunday school or any other form Christian education takes has to be done with biblical clarity and life-changing consequence, or inde...
Teammates, Not Competitors
By Dean Conkle. Various ministries of the church are different from each other but that doesn't mean they can't work well together for a common cause or event.Viewing each other as teammates within the same overall mission will be a blessing to the whole of the church.
We must always be real. To cover ourselves with superficial expressions of piety or in other ways pretend that we are something that we are not is never appropriate.
Sunday School and Small Groups
Both Sunday school and small groups are programs. Consequently, they should be viewed as means to an end - nothing more. If they serve a given purpose, presumably one better than a possible alternative, they are worthwhile. If not, do something else.
The Truth About Islam
We have noticed a great confusion in the Church of Christ and in the country concerning the true nature ofIslam. We believe that it is our responsibilityto accurately, fairly, and honestly inform you concerning the truth about Islam. The best way to do so is to ask two importantquestions: what is...