The Importance of Worldview

In reality you cannot separate ethics and technology. There are no dualistic sacred and secular realms in life. All of life is one. God has structured his reality to underscore the "unity of reality." The danger of dualism is the temptation to believe that it is permissible for man to do whatever...

What Would Jesus Do?

Suffice it to say that it is in the church that we ought to learn what it means to be messengers of grace wherever we are. It is in this context that we are to make disciples. We have the great privilege of self consciously bringing the influence of God's kingdom to a society dimly aware of his n...

The Importance of Worldview: Applying the Christian Faith to All Areas of Life

The Apostle Paul writes that we are to be transformed in our minds (Rom. 12:1, 2). Why? In order to know God's good, perfect, and acceptable will. A kingdom disciple is to be characterized as someone who knows how to apply the Christian faith to all areas of life. If the Christian life is about G...

A Member of the Family

A synergism becomes possible when the church as the extended family builds up its households. And those households in turn build up the churches, which then impacts the community, enfolding others in the family of God. What's happening to your young people? Are your households maturing in the faith?