If we are going to reach this generation it will require more than tweaking a few things. We must rethink everything. That requires imagination, creativity with dependence on and direction from our God.
Tag: Church Leadership
A Strategy for Evangelizing the Post Modern
By William J. Larkin. Indeed, how can we communicate a gospel that is truly "good news" to the postmodern person (or any cultural being for that matter)? We must "exegete" the culture from the inside out. We must interpret the Scriptures at a metacultural level. Then, we must bring the two togeth...
A Preaching and Teaching Church
The rising generation of young people is showing a definite interest in a more conservative approach to life and a greater interest in spirituality; yet their interest in spirituality is not necessarily connected with Christianity. While this is a both good news and bad news, it is a great opport...
A Church’s Master Plan
Extensive studies show that the failure to focus on this area of ministry is contributing to the loss of the older teenagers and middle-aged boomers from the church. What is this crucial area of ministry? You guessed it: Christian education!
A Healthy Church
Discipling, including evangelism, education, and training, must have top billing in the local church if we are to be transformed and not conformed to this world.
Deacons: Leading Churches Into Pure and Undefiled Religion
The role of deacons is critical to the ministry of the local church. However, for some time it has suffered from a poor image. In reformed circles the office is rightly seen as one of service and helps. But with the growth of church buildings and property, deacons are often viewed more as caretak...