The Task of Christian Education

God has given us a promise in Isaiah and in Habakkuk that the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth as the water covers the sea. The hymn writer picks up that thought. He changes the venue a bit. He says, "Jesus shall reign where'er the sun does his successive journeys run." We believe th...

Gracie: Standing with Hope

Gracie Parker Rosenberger is a remarkable woman who lives a remarkable life and she has much to teach us all about standing in hope.Her story opens the reader's eyes to the reality of the presence of God in all circumstances, the sufficiency of His power to help His children overcome their greate...

2,000 Participants Gather in Atlanta for the Amazing Grace 360 Conference

With the confusion abroad about "grace" the conference sought to present a program that would encourage and enable the participants to understand the "it is all about God" who is a God of grace and mercy. That theme was carried throughout the conference with Nancy Guthrie leading the plenary ...